A small Bakongo/Vili power fetish figure
A small Bakongo/Vili power fetish figure
A small Bakongo/Vili power fetish figure, with a large glass-closed medicine box placed in front of the stomach, painted glass inlays in the eye-sockets, on the back of the sculpture several attachments like animal skins, an antelope-horn, a large snail-house etc; heavy, hard, reddish wood. Fetishes of this type mostly served to deter and avert the "evil eye",
Lehuard, R., « Les Ventes » in Arts d’Afrique Noire, no. 106, Arnouville, summer 1998, Grunne (de), B., BRUNEAF - Brussels Non European Art Fair XVIII, Brussels, 2008, Grunne (de), B., Tribal Fine Arts, Vottem, 2008, M : la revue du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, Montreal, September 2009, Tribal Art Magazine, no. 54, winter 2009, Germain, J., Art ancien de l’Afrique Noire, vol. V, Montreal, 2010, pp. 58-59Lecomte, A., Lehuard, R. et alii, Bakongo. « Les fétiches » mi-nkondi, mi-nkisi, Paris, 2016, pp. 290-291
Height: 23 cm
Length: 29 cm
Weight: 550 g